About the author

My name is Matthew Roach and I am an English law graduate with strong views on the European Union and its democratic deficit.

I am not a racist, xenophobe or any other type of bigot and I don’t hate Europe – far from it.

My love of Europe and Europeans does not however sway me from a strong sense that we should not be governed by people who are unelected, unaccountable and do not have our best interests at heart.

And let me be clear, when I say we, I believe that I speak for all European people.

This blog is about keeping an eye on our masters in Brussels and trying to raise awareness of just how little control this country actually has over its own affairs, which consequently are our affairs.

If you like what you read, or if it simply stimulates thought then please share it with your friends and family by whatever means you wish.

I also love to receive comments on my articles so please please, let me know your thoughts, whatever they are.

I can take critisism and do have an open mind.

Lastly, enjoy my blog and do please follow me if you like what you see. I promise there is much, much more to come.

Matthew Roach

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